Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Rage of Achilles: Iliad Book 1

I was misdiagnosed with a nerve injury for 5 years, which basically ruined my life. But enough about that, I'd like to open a discussion of something I actually enjoy, and in a manner that examines important and significant cultural themes that are quite relevant today from The Iliad. I've spent no small amount of time with this work, and while this is certainly not an academic blog, I'd certainly enjoy at least outlining these basic themes.

I say this is not an academic blog, and it will not be academic in nature. For works relating to this subject, I will be linking quite a few works later as I reformat this site. 

This blog as, heretofore, functioned as the place where I try to advocate for healthcare, as well as rage against the misogyny I've faced in medicine (ahem, I try to stick to that alone), so allow me to explain the change in theme. It really isn't a change in theme whatsoever, but I've been shorn of my ability to discuss the philosophies that have shaped my life, and that upon discovery, fit best with my innate view of life. Which is to say that I identify rather strongly with this work, with Achilles and have regarded for decades that most lessons one needs in life can be gained by study of Book 1. This is a gross exaggeration, but as such must usually suffice. Particularly in medical settings, for obvious reasons. The inconsistency here is that I am a feminist, and a woman....who takes many "life lessons" from book 1, in which women are....treated as war goods. Property. We'll get to that in later posts. Promise. Wow, no emojis on good, old fashioned desktop.

The other reason for the shift, is dammit, I've sat by my black ships for 5 goddamned fucking years being lied to, denigrated, destroyed, enduring loss after loss.....and as one finds, anger isn't a bad thing. Also, enough about me. 

I'd like to lay out a few themes, and will likely do this in a separate post (mainly as I have no other than standard keys on this computer!), and discuss how these affect both daily life, as well as healthcare, as well as religion. I won't presume to discuss how they fit into the Iliad with such fine scholars doing this great work. But perhaps lay something out that might be recognizable as a life philosophy. 

I call to me the doomed warriors, the seekers of honor. Those who perhaps love the 9 Noble Virtues (though fair warning, Neo-Nazi neo pagans, GTFO right now, this is not for you) and look to Asatru. Those involved in Hellenic Polytheism. Neo-Pagans are as welcome here as fans of Homeric epic, and I know you are many. 

Themes to discuss: 

bie, the physical force. How this impacts not just our struggle, and the sacred duty to guard and advocate for it, as well as to hold as the highest dishonor those who strip it from you. 

Honor (no Greek script, and my Greek has slipped during FIVE YEARS OF BEING MISDIAGNOSED & BUTCHERED), and standing in society; how transgressions against this honor (which is, of course, tied to the physical) are dealt with, often insultingly and inappropriately, in our modern society. 


....and much more to come in the future, here or elsewhere. I've never been exactly good with computers....

Update: the butchery seems never to end, and I will likely be denied a Nostos. But at least I've declared my intent. As I always have: to not be medicalized, to not be a constant patient, and to find freedom from both physical suffering as well as medical butchery. And it's all butchery.